The Joint Special Operations University (JSOU) hosted strategist and author Dr. Peter Singer for a webinar discussion on the weaponization of social media. He talked about how social media has profoundly affected every area of human society and commerce and, by default, the institution of war.
The conversation is based on the book LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media by authors P.W. Singer and Emerson Brooking published in 2018. The book outlines how the internet is changing war and politics . . . and how war and politics are changing the internet. War, tech, and politics have blurred into a new kind of battle space that plays out in social media.
The online interview (and question and answer session) is hosted by JSOU’s Kerry Roberts. Roberts is a member of JSOU’s Strategic Studies Department. Dr. Peter Singer is a strategist with New America, author, and defense analyst.
Singer explains why he and Emerson Brooking wrote the book. The internet is now just over 50 years old. It started out as a tool for Pentagon scientists to communicate, then evolved into a commercial and social tool, and now is used by some as weapon of war and conflict.
This video was recorded on April 21, 2020 and posted on YouTube by JSOU “Think JSOU” on August 18, 2020, one hour long.
LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media, by P.W. Singer and Emerson Brooking, 2018.