Video – 68th Special Forces Anniversary

Video - 68th U.S. Army Special Forces Anniversary

The Green Beret Foundation posted this action-packed video celebrating the establishment of the U.S. Army Special Forces on June 19, 1952. Read the video description provided by the Green Beret Foundation.

“Today we celebrate the 68th Anniversary of U.S. Army Special Forces! Since its inception on June 19th, 1952, U.S. Army Special Forces, or the Green Berets, have been the tip of the spear in the special operations community, being heavily relied on the last six decades for its expertise in unconventional warfare.

The last 18 years U.S. Army Special Forces have been deployed to over 90 countries at any given time and has sustained over 60% of all Special Operations Forces casualties since September 11, 2001. The Green Beret Foundation, the premier benevolent organization supporting the Special Forces community, has been steadfast the last decade in providing unconventional resources to the nation’s expert unconventional warfighters and their families so that they may prosper and thrive.

On this 68th anniversary, we ask you donate $19.52 in support of the Green Beret Foundation and stand with us as we continue to answer the call of Green Berets and their families.”

Donate today to the Green Beret Foundation:!/donation/checkout

Watch the video at the link below:

68th Special Forces Anniversary
Green Beret Foundation

About John Friberg 201 Articles
John Friberg is the Editor and Publisher of SOF News. He is a retired Command Chief Warrant Officer (CW5 180A) with 40 years service in the U.S. Army Special Forces with active duty and reserve components.