Terrorism Update – News, Papers, Pubs, Analysis, & Commentary

Terrorism Update

Terrorism Update 20170110 – U.S. Department of Statement CT Bureau notes for 2016, Perspectives on Terrorism (December 2016), CTC Sentinel, book review of Blood Year: The Unraveling of Western Counterterrorism, and more.

DoS CT Bureau Update 2016. The U.S. Department of State’s Counterterrorism Bureau has been busy for the past year. Some of the highlights of the CT Bureau’s counterterrorism diplomatic initiatives include the designation of five new Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) and numerous individuals. A core aspect of the U.S. Counter-ISIL strategy is to prevent the travel of foreign terrorist fighters (FTFs) to and from the conflicts in Iraq and Syria. Read more in “2016 in Review: Advancing Counterterrorism Policy”DIPNOTE, January 3, 2017.

CTC Sentinel Nov / Dec 2016. The Combating Terrorism Center’s CTC Sentinel (of West Piont) is now available online. Numerous articles about terrorism.

How to Counter Violent Extremism. One observer says it needs to be a comprehensive approach. Read “Future Counter Terrorism Modeling”, by Jack Gaines, LinkedIn Pulse, December 23, 2016.

Book Review – Blood Year: the Unraveling of Western Counterterrorism. A review of a new book on terrorism. James Dobbins, a former intel guy, provides his thoughts on David Kilcullen’s newest book . (Prism, Dec 2016).

Perspectives on Terrorism. Volume X, Issue 6, December 2016 is now available online from the Terrorism Research Initiative (TRI). Articles include “Jihadi Terrorism in Europe: The IS-Effect”, “Foreign Fighters in Syria”, “Jihadism in Norway”, “The French Iraqi Networks”, and many others.

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