The Garud Commando Force of the Indian Air Force was formed in 2004 and has over 1,000 personnel assigned. The name “Garud” is derived from Garuda – the name of a bird-like creature of Hindu Mythology. The commando unit of the Indian Air Force is similar to the Para commandos of the Indian Army and the MARCOS of the Indian Navy; but with a mission profile complementary to the Indian Air Force. The varied missions of the Indian Air Force commandos include direct action, airfield seizure, special reconnaissance, counter terrorism, and combat search and rescue. The recruits of the unit undergo intensive training in a selection and qualification course that is rigorous. Once qualified (fully trained) they are assigned to one of the commando units. The missions will take these Air Force commandos to a variety of locations to include assignments outside of the country.
Read more:
“Garud Command Force: Indian Air Force’s ‘Special Forces’ Unit”, News Nation (India), October 8, 2016.
“Garud Commando Force”, Wikipedia
“Special Forces – Garuds for All Reasons”, SP’S Aviation.