Task Force Southeast is located at Advising Platform Lightning in Gardez, Afghanistan. Gardez is the name of one of the larger cities located in Gardez province – not far from the Pakistan border. Gardez is also home of the 203rd Afghan National Army Corps and the 303rd Afghanistan National Police Zone Headquarters. The principal mission of Task Force Southeast is to conduct the ‘train, advise, and assist’ mission with the 203rd and 303rd.
The principal elements of Task Force Southeast come from the 1st Cavalry Division, 36th Infantry Division, and 1st Armored Division. Task Force Southeast has a number of sub-elements to include the Military Advisor Team (MAT) and the Police Advisor Team (PAT). Both the MAT and PAT are led by U.S. O-6s (or, in NATO rank, OF5s).
The MAT is fortunate that it can ‘walk to advise’ or ‘drive to advise’ as the 203rd ANA Corps – located on FOB Thunder – is adjacent to AP Lighting. The PAT, however, has to travel a bit to reach the 303rd . . . so it takes a chopper ride . . . or ‘flies to advise’.
Read more about Task Force Southeast in “Task Force Southeast – Train, Advise, and Assist”, by SGT Christopher Dennis, DVIDS, June 20, 2017.