Military News – Females to take boxing at West Point, how to rebuild Mosul after the ISIS, to fix Syria look to Afghanistan, arming the Kurds, and more.
West Point Boxing – Women Required to Participate. Female cadets in their plebe year at the Army academy are now required to get in the ring. They will fight bouts with other women and probably spar a bit with men in their own weight class. Second year they take wrestling; probably against other women as well. Read more in “West Point women have a new, bloody requirement as the Army completes gender integration”, The Washington Post, September 21, 2016.
Rebuilding Mosul? Once the Iraqi military (aided by Shia militia groups and the Peshmerga) take Mosul from ISIS – what happens next? For starters basic government services need to be re-established. There are some ways that the U.S. government can assist in this huge endeavor. Read more in “After Mosul Falls, How Much Rebuilding Help Should the US Give?”, Defense One, September 19, 2016.
‘Noose Tightening’ in Mosul Battle. In other military news, General Dunford (CJCS), had some comments on the upcoming battle to retake Mosul. (U.S. DoD News Release, Sep 20, 2016).
Responding to Moscow’s Propaganda? Neutralizing Russia’s influence operations will need to be a priority over the near term and possibly into the future. Read more in “To Counter Russian Disinformation, Look to Cold War Tactics”, Defense One, September 20, 2016.
For a Clue on Syria Look to Afghanistan. One writer examines the Soviet experience in Afghanistan for the way forward in Syria. Read “What the Soviet Defeat in Afghanistan Tells Us about Syria”, The National Interest, September 19, 2016.
Arming the Kurds? The most dependable U.S. allies in the Middle East (besides Jordan, Israel, UAE, and a few others) are the Kurds. Read “Obama Administration Considers Arming Syrian Kurds Against ISIS”, The New York Times, September 21, 2016.