SOFIC 2018 – The Special Operations Forces Industry Conference is being held in Tampa, Florida May 21-24, 2018. The location is the Tampa Convention Center. SOFIC 2018 provides a forum for the special operations forces community to network, learn, and discuss how SOF conducts operations and responds to security challenges in the future.
Discussion groups, panel presentations, and workshops are held throughout the conference and exhibition. Senior leaders of the U.S. SOF community will be on hand – with some addressing the various forums and meetings. Representatives from USSOCOM, the Theater Special Operations Commands (TSOCs), and Program Executive Officers will be in attendance.
The attendees number in the thousands with over 350 exhibits. A great opportunity to learn and network. Some of the programmed events include an international special operations capabilities demonstration, innovation showcase, USSOCOM ‘marketplace’, and more.
The conference is brought to you by the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA). Learn more at www.sofic.org.
SOFIC 2018 Video. Watch a two-minute long video about the Special Operations Forces Industry Conference.