The Special Operations & Irregular Warfare Symposium will be held in Tampa, Florida on December 12-13, 2018. It is presented by Defense Strategies Institute (DSI). The theme of the SOF & IW symposium is “enhancing SOF capabilities to guide operational success”.
The conference provides the special operations community, government organizations, academia, and industry a forum where important issues about special operations are presented and discussed. Attendees are afforded the opportunity for networking opportunities, participating in open forums in an educational atmosphere, and learning from key individuals of the SOF community.
This year’s symposium will provide an educational ‘town-hall’ style forum to discuss the strategic goals and operational needs required to combat evolving threat networks and protect U.S. national security interests, as well as aid the U.S. Military in remaining agile and lethal when dealing with a complex security environment. This event will detail how SOF expertise is needed to effectively deter and overcome these unconventional challenges.
The two-day agenda covers a variety of topics to include:
- Supporting combatant commands
- Developing policy guidance relating to SOF and CT
- SOF adaptation to emerging terrorism techniques
- ‘Gray Zone’ conflict response
- Training and equipping NSW forces
- Acquisition priorities for SOF
- Overcoming challenges within the SOF enterprise
- Implementing TALOS for SOF
There are some high level speakers confirmed for the 2018 SOF & IW symposium including:
- RADM Howard, Commander SOCCENT
- MG Deedrick, Commander 1st Special Forces Command
- BG Drew, Deputy CG USASOC
- BG Donahue, Deputy Director for SO & CT, J3, Joint Staff
- LTG Nagata, National Counterterrorism Center
- Honorable Owen West, SO/LIC
- Dr. Kathleen Hicks, CSIS
- LeAnne Howard, NATO Special Operations HQs
- Dr. Jonathan Schroden, Center for Naval Analyses
- Dr. Stephen Watts, RAND Corporation
There are numerous military (US and international), government, academic, and industry organizations participating and attending. In addition to the speaker and panel presentations, there will be round-table discussions, product demonstrations, and networking receptions.
Learn more about the Special Operations & Irregular Warfare Symposium
Defense Strategies Institute (DSI) is a non-partisan institute designed to assist in advancing the mission critical goals of the United States Military and Government. DSI conducts a variety of high level educational training summits and symposiums. This is the 7th Special Operations & Irregular Warfare Symposium that DSI has conducted.