The Department of Defense has published its latest DoD report to Congress on Afghanistan. The 124-page report is available online (PDF) at defense.gov. Many sections of the report are:
- Strategy and objectives
- Threat assessment
- Overview of the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF)
- Ministry of Defense and Afghan National Army
- Ministry of Interior and Afghan National Police
Additional topics covered include:
- The implementation of the South Asia Strategy is outlined.
- Activities of the Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation (SRAR) Ambassador Zalmay Khalilizad is covered.
- Introduction of additional advisors and enablers in 2018.
- Increased efforts to train the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces and deployment of the 1st SFAB.
- Continued support of NATO allies and partners to the Resolute Support Mission.
- The holding of parliamentary elections in October 2018.
The 124-page report entitled Enhancing Security and Stability in Afghanistan is submitted to Congress every six months. An additional report that is classified is also submitted to Congress as well. This report contains a good summary of the Afghan Special Security Forces (ASSF) of the Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Interior. These elite special operations forces are doing the heavy lifting in the offensive operations against the insurgents.